Tenant self-disclosure - terms and conditions.

This consent refers to the use and processing of personal data, as well as the collection of additional information, which is used by the processor beyond the data necessary for the performance of the contract as well as legal requirements. The management and employees of the company listed below act as the processor. The consent is intended to ensure that an optimized and time-saving contact by the processor and, if necessary, by third parties with the data subject is possible.

  1. Collection, storage, and processing of my personal data by Entwicklungsgesellschaft Untertrave GmbH.

    • I agree to be contacted by the processor in matters concerning my contractual relationship. I consent to the following data being collected, stored, and processed by the processor for this purpose:

      • Collected data of the tenant self-disclosure, including credit rating documents, Schufa consent, declaration of freedom from rental debt, identification document, guarantee declaration, and proof of income.

  2. Disclosure of my personal data to third parties

    • I agree that my personal data may be disclosed to third parties by the processor within the scope of the contractual relationship. Third parties are service providers commissioned by the processor as well as property managers and owners who may contact me in order to make necessary appointments and arrangements for the performance of the contract

Further information Storage period: Your personal data will be collected, processed and stored at most until all main and ancillary obligations arising from the contractual relationship have been fully processed.

Rights of the data subject Provision of information: In accordance with § 15 DSGVO, you are entitled at any time to request extensive information from the processor regarding the data stored about you.

Correction, deletion, and blocking: Pursuant to Section 17 of the DSGVO, you may at any time request the Processor to correct, delete and block your personal data.

Right of withdrawal: You can revoke your voluntary consent at any time informally and without giving reasons with effect for the future. This can be done by post, e-mail, fax, or telephone to the processor. You will not incur any costs other than your postage or transmission costs.

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